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You have started your new venture and are really excited about it. While you are focused on the problem at hand, have you considered what a data breach could do to your business?
“Forty-three percent of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.” (Accenture)
At ITRev, we harness the power of cloud technologies to provide a secure working platform to our clients, where they can store their data and collaborate securely – both internally and externally.
How can ITRev help you?
We can:
- Setup cloud storage for your organisation, where you can reliably store and access your data
- Secure your company data by restricting access to authorised personnel
- Manage devices remotely to ensure they are compliant with your organisations’ policies
- Restrict access to your cloud platform based on location, time etc.
- Remote-wipe employee devices in case of theft
- Wipe company data stored on employee’s personal devices
- Setup and monitor continuous backups of your cloud infrastructure
- Provide user training to maximise efficiency
With cloud technologies, sky is the limit – you can virtually achieve anything and everything that your organisation requires to thrive. Contact us to find out how we can help you.